Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Treats: One of a Kind

For this week's Tuesday Treats, I wanted to feature some photos that I snapped last night at the One of a Kind media preview (which was on a boat- how great is that?). This annual event, which happens in December, showcases and sells various items such as clothing, jewelry and food that are handmade in limited quantities. Although I don't have the slightest "crafty" inclination in me (just ask my friends about my laughable homemade birthday cards), I do greatly appreciate the talent of those who do. Since this show is actually held in December, winter-themed decorations were all around us as we spent the warm summer evening checking out some exhibitors for this year's show and sailing the Vancouver waters.

{The PR girls were all wearing clothing from this designer and they all looked very chic. Be sure to keep an eye out for her pieces!}

{Sheila Wong provided sewing tips and made fabric flowers with guests}

{Dirty Apron catered the event with delicious sandwiches, cheeses and cured meats}

{...and they did desserts, too. That ginger snap was a dream of a cookie!}

I know that the actual event is a whiles away, but I went last year with the bestie and can attest to it being a lot of fun. The One of a Kind Christmas Show and Sale also hits Toronto and Chicago, so do check it out come December if you get a chance!


  1. Danielle Celeste CoutureJuly 26, 2011 1:36 AM

    Wow, thanks for sharing. I am a designer and make one of a kind and limited edition boutique runs. It's very encouraging to see more of that out there.

  2. After seeing all that yummi food, now I'm hungry, those cupcakes look so pretty and delish! Cute pictures!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  3. Not gonna lie, the christmas decorations make me a little excited! ;) Absolute favorite time of year! And those cupcakes look delish!

  4. J&#39;Anns BoutiqueJuly 26, 2011 5:50 AM

    I love the one of a kind show :-)

    A Girl's Next Best Friend

  5. Whoa. I need some of that cheese. YUM.

  6. That looks like so much fun! I wanted to see what you wore last night too :) I saw Nicole's twitpic of what she wore, absolutely stunning! Also, that cheese looks amazing, why have I only heard of The Dirty Apron now?

  7. Andréa RochaJuly 26, 2011 9:18 AM

    Wow yummi pics with this cupcakes!!


  8. What a fun event! I think I would have thoroughly enjoyed it... Why do I live so far?

    I'm hungry for cheese now... and cookies. :)

    xx Love & Aloha

  9. mmmm those cupcakes look divine!!

  10. what a fun event! and all the food looks temptingly delicious..

  11. I was so sorry I couldn't make it to this event, it looks like it was a lot of fun- and I would have loved to finally meet you, too!

  12. Loved all the pictures and updates on twitter from everyone that was there - it looked like a great event!

  13. simplychicforcheapJuly 26, 2011 9:05 PM

    all of those desserts look fabulous!

    xo jeanette


  14. Love Jules LeatherJuly 27, 2011 8:21 AM

    Thanks for including a snap shot of our belts! Looked like a rad event. :) Jules & Josh

  15. I can't wait for the actual event now! The food was just delicious too. My foodie friend was going ga-ga over the meats haha


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