Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fur Real??!!

The transition between a break and going back to school is always a little bit tough. I'm thankful for being able to go to school, but the night owl in me undeniably dreads the change from sleeping in until noon most days to 8AM classes three days a week. So much to my delight, we were graced with a morning off on the 3rd day of classes courtesy of the snow. After it melted off the ground in the early afternoon, though, classes resumed. But since I only had morning classes today, what did that mean? A blissful day of sleeping in, relaxing and reading in bed. Hooray!

P.S. Please pardon the cheesy and unfunny title. I am genuinely a little bit embarrassed.

Wearing: Zara faux fur gilet, Elizabeth and James jacket (underneath, seen here), thrifted dress (hem shortened, last seen here), Wolford tights (last seen here), Coach bag, Halston Heritage flats, label-less cashmere lined leather gloves


  1. As a Californian, I've always been so jealous of snow days! You lucky girl. :)

    I love the black and bronze you're working here. So pretty & different. And that fur is amazing!

  2. omg love the fur vest you've got on.. and your tights are so adorable!!!

  3. rachaelkrystinaJanuary 12, 2011 10:45 PM

    I am feeling your pain! I had almost had a month off of classes and cannot even think about readings, essays, and assignments.

    You are looking quite lovely thought! Those tights are adorable!

  4. so cute!

  5. I feel your pain. I have 7:30 classes every morning and I'm dreading it. I have an online class also that has been keeping me up until 1am-2am. It is not easy T_T

  6. Love the tights! Can you describe the belt that you're wearing, as well as how you tied it? :]

    Ah, I'm thankful that don't start classes until the 24th, and that my classes are in the afternoon! ;]

  7. You look great! And I know what you mean about that transition..I hate it! I am not in the mood for work and classes and anything. Oh.. We'll survive.

  8. just looooking so great. the wooden background is superb.

  9. you always look so cute & well put together. Love that vest!!! It actually looks like real fur!!


  10. plentyforpenniesJanuary 13, 2011 6:40 AM

    Lovely fur!!

    Come enter my vintage Razza elephant necklace giveaway!

  11. Ah, snow!:D We don't have that here in L.A.!

    Happy New Year!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  12. aww that's the prettiest vest i've seen in awhile!

  13. you rocked the fur vest!! so cute!

  14. Actually, I think the title was pretty dang humorous! It's great that you got such a great, distinct piece that is totally and 100% cruelty free. I hate the idea of fur being harvested from helpless animals. I'm not sure about cowhide, though... the beef industry is such a huge one... which, in itself is NOT cruelty free. I don't know how I feel about THAT.

    The outfit is so chic. I wish I were as fashionable and dressed to the nines as you 7 years ago (when I was your age), and I wish I dressed as fashionably as you NOW, shoot. LOL.

    Oh well!

    Maybe if we actually had Zara in Detroit, it might be a different-ish story for me! LOL.

    Yea for snow days!

    Mae Lu, @ thereafterish.

  15. awesome fur!!! Love fourth photo! :)


  16. You're so lucky that you got a snow day...I still had to go to work (boo). The cognac colour of your Coach bag is absolutely lovely, and it has just the right amount of hardware (i.e. not too much and in chain strap form). I approve. :)

  17. Love the Halston flats, did you get them at The Bay?


  18. Girl I died when I saw this outfit! So GLAM! I love it ;) and I love the purse, I just bought it in purple but I love this color too! Great blog doll! xo -Taj @ Gorgeous Glam

  19. Absolutely darling outfit!!

  20. The Little Dust PrincessJanuary 13, 2011 5:25 PM

    Aw you're so cute! Very stylish, just hope it was warm enough for our Canadian weather! I just have a little thing to mention - photos 3-5 seem a bit out of focus and you are a little blurred. LOL Nothing big, but my boyfriend always points this out in photos and I guess I got it from him. :P I'm not a pro-photographer or anything and I still need to master the photography ways.

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  21. 20 York StreetJanuary 13, 2011 7:11 PM

    That's a fur that sets itself apart from all the other furs! Is that the plural of fur?


    Another note, did you see my give-away?

    Stay Happy and Positive!




  22. this fur looks so warm and i love how you added the leather gloves too! and i love the side detailing on those tights!

    cute and little

  23. Such a cute outfit! I love that it still looks feminine but super cozy. Sometimes I just give up on looking cute in the winter and throw on everything in my closet, I can't stand being cold haha.

    Alexandra xo

  24. ahhhh, I love those Wolford tights...gorgeous.
    Unfortunately they are thin and the few times I have spent the money to wear them, I have run them the first wear, sigh.
    But they are perfection on you:)

  25. The fur vest just pulls this outfit together nicely!! love that tights too, so cute!!

  26. Helena from BrooklynBlondeJanuary 14, 2011 5:15 PM

    You look adorable! I love that vest!

  27. you look amazing

  28. I love you outfit, you look so cozy and chic with the fur vest! I wish I had snow days, but it probably isn't as fun IRL. =)

  29. you are such a classy lady! always very well put together :) i usually get lazy when i'm just heading to class, haha, and i get a lot of funny looks when i'm dressed up just to go to class/labs!

    i really like your coach bag, btw :)

  30. You have a very nice smile!
    Love your jacket, nice outfit!!!



  31. Emma at Daily Clothes FixJanuary 15, 2011 3:45 PM

    Loving the title (but then my photographer says mine are terrible). That fur looks great. And I know exactly what you mean about getting on the wrong time zone. I do it all the time, staying up till 2am and then getting hardly any sleep and being cross at work. It's hard when you're a natural night owl.

  32. valuevillageandgoodwillJanuary 15, 2011 11:21 PM

    Your outfits make dressing your winter look so easy (but it's not). Love all the winter outfits.

  33. Hello there, pretty girl.
    Love your pictures, your fur coat and I'm in love with your tights!

  34. You look beautiful! I'm in LOVE with your purse, its gorgeous. Was the purse a recent buy?

  35. You made casual looks luxurious! The fur vest is bombastic! <3

  36. Chris ( 19, 2011 5:27 PM

    Aw Jen I love the peekaboo of the Wolford tights.. :] The bow peeks out in the cutest way!

  37. The Backseat StylersJanuary 19, 2011 7:55 PM

    I can't decide which is more fab...the vest or the bag. I haven't been a fan of coach in a while, but that bag is amazing. Love the colour. Is it current season?


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